Temp luck traits

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Link to old material: Old Temp luck traits

As usual, this Temp category material will eventually be moved out into properly formatted and written articles.

Luck traits are of four types: Luck, Miracles, Simple Luck and Simple Miracles. The two Simple versions are limited in scope, meaning that they are binary instead of scaling up, they are not very cost-efficient, and they are intended for the creation of relatively unimportant NPCs. The two non-Simple versions can be had in multiple degrees, especially Luck, and are flexible to use (again, especially Luck).


Luck Factor

This value, derived from Faith, is the basis for both Luck Points and Miracle Points. LF is derived from Faith using the NLE but rounded.

Faith Luck
-4 Can't have luck!
-3 0.5 0.25 10 Years
-2 1.5 0.5 7 Years
-1 2.5 1 5 Years
0 3 1.5 3.5 Years
1 3.5 2 2.5 Years
Faith Luck
2 5 2.5 1.5 Years
3 6 3 16 Moons
4 8 4 11 Moons
5 10 5 8 Moons
6 12 6 7 Moons
7 15 7.5 6 Moons
Faith Luck
8 18 9 5 Moons
9 22 11 4 Moons
10 27 14 3 Moons
11 33 17 2 Moons
12 42 21 1 Moon

Luck Score

Any character with non-Simple or Simple Miracles or Luck has a Luck Score. This can be calculated relatively quickly if it is needed, and currently is only used for a high-powered version of a very obscure variant of a particular item Enchantment, so is probably not necessary to pre-calculate before play. It is quite simple to include the pre-calculation functionality in the character creation spreadsheet, though, and the Luck Score does give an overall summary-type indication of how much the character concept emphasizes Luck.

If a character has both non-Simple Miracles and non-Simple Luck, then calculate the Luck Score twice, once for each, take the highest, and increase by 0.5. For instance if a character has a Luck Score of 4.5 for Luck and 3 for Miracles, his final Luck Score is 5.0.

The only current use for Luck Score does not require it to be an integer value (you round the final sum only, in that formula), but when necessary, simply round Luck Score down to get an integer value.

non-Simple Luck

In order to have non-Simple Luck, Basic Luck must first be purchased. This "opens" the character for Luck Traits, and represents a fairly high buy-in cost (in GP). Once Basic Luck has been purchased, additional Luck Traits and an increased number of Luck Points can be purchased, both relatively cheaply.

Trait Cost Effect Luck Score Notes
Basic Luck 4 GP Get 1xLF Luck Points, choose 2 Luck Traits 2 Prerequisite for purchasing everything else in this table
Increased Luck I Instead, get 2xLF Luck Points +1
Increased Luck II Instead, get 4xLF Luck Points +2
Increased Luck III Instead, get 8xLF Luck Points +3.5
Increased Luck IV Instead, get 16xLF Luck Points +5.5
Extra Luck Trait Choose 1 additional Luck Trait +0.5 Maybe chosen several times

Round the final Luck Point total down. You regain half of this (round down again) every Moon, and can have no more unused LP stored than your starting total, e.g. if you have Faith 4 and Increased Luck I, then your starting amount and your max is 12 LP, and you regain 6 LP/Moon. For each instance of Extra Luck Trait, you must choose a different Luck Trait, except for those Luck Traits that specifically state that they may be chosen more than once.

Luck Traits

A note on LP cost scaling: A reasonable assumption is that a player character with Luck Points (not all PCs have Luck!) might have 8 or 12 points (based on Faith 4, or Faith 3 boosted by Increased Luck I), and regains half this per Moon (4 or 6 LP)... No, that's too coarse-grained, all LP vlaues are to be multlipied by 2, to make the scale more fine-grained.

Assassin Protection

Coincidence, Major

Coincidence, Minor


Fair Combat

Faster Bonding

Jinx Foe

Lucky Pockets


Signature Kit

Signature Mount

Signature Vehicle

Signature Weapon

Personal tools