Talk:Undead Minion Abilities

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Revision as of 08:45, 19 May 2011 by Peter Knutsen (Talk | contribs)
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wikifying old content

Note that the Undead Minion traits have existed on paper for several years (unpublished), so this will mainly be a process of wikification, although as always the process will be transformative. That's inevitable. --Peter Knutsen (the Designer) 17:45, 18 May 2011 (UTC)

Some old stuff

This is some old stuf from a TXT file, a post on NNTP or some web forum asking for suggestions:

Some of the ideas for optional abilities for Undead Minions (mine and those of others), which the Necromancer can chose as "improvements" when he is summoming or animating:

x Improved intellect (can't exceed original person's).
x Aura of Fear/stronger/very strong.
x Group Fear, where several Undead together create an even stronger Aura of Fear.
x Aura of Fear can be made temporarily stronger (costs power points).
x Can remember events from life faintly/fairly well/very well.
x Can control and command undeath/can control & command more/lots more.
x Can sense life energy/sense is keener/much keener.
x Takes less damage from sunlight/much less damage/almost none.
x Increased Will/much increased.
x Increased Charisma/much increased.
x Resistance to Undead Turning.

Wraiths / Wraith Lords (incorporeal)
x Death Touch ability/more difficult saving throw/very difficult saving throw.
x Death Touch doesn't just drain Essence from the victim, it actually benefits the Wraith.
x Can fly faster/much faster.
x Can fly really fast ("sprint flight") from 23 PM to 1 AM.
x Can fly fast at the expense of power points (the wraith equiv. of running).
x Can hover/fly over water without taking damage.
x Can create an Aura of Cold/even colder/extremely cold.
x Can make shadows deeper/much deeper/really deep.
x Can take on the appearance of a living Human.
- Can become almost invisible/completely invisible.

Wights / Wight Lords (corporeal)
x Can take on the appearance of a living Human.
x Can mimic a living Human (itself before death), complete with pulse, warm skin and so forth.
x Increased Strength/much increased/greatly increased.
x Takes reduced damage from normal weapons/much reduced/even more reduced. (Wights are already hardy to begin with!)
x Claws/Venomous claws/strongly venomous claws.
x Can re-attach hacked-off body parts, which then grow back on.
x Able to form empathic bond w. and ride Necro-Steed.
x Has an Essence reserve, which can be used to enchant e.g. its sword.
(at a net loss to the Necromancer, e.g. if he sacrifice 1.2 ES on this then the Wight only has 0.8 ES to use. On the other hand, Wights shouldn't be able to benefit from normal Enchanted items, so it's this or live with your pet Wight wielding a mundane sword).

All Wraiths and Wights have Darklife instead of hitpoints, and they also have one pool of Power points with which to power their active use abilities. This means that other options are Extra Darklife, faster Darklife regeneration, more Power Points and faster regeneration of Power Points.

For several abilities it is implied that they come in several levels of strength. Usually a Wraith or a Wight can only have the first level, whereas a Wraith Lord or a Wight Lord often automatically has the first level (at no extra Essence cost to the necromancer) and can be boosted all the way up to the third level of strength.

--Peter Knutsen (the Designer) 19:24, 18 May 2011 (UTC)

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