Temp Flaws overview

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This article is a temporary repository for Flaws, consisting of the stats for the Flaw (FP for each level it can have) and perhaps a brief writeup, and short notes about other Flaws that potentially overlap.

To start with, this is just about moving the old material from the (small) MS Excel spreadsheet on Flaws, and to here.


Refernece links

Simple Flaws

Simple Flaws

Tags C cliche Flaw
F favoured Flaw
S version to use in Soap Operativ campaigns.


Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. 4 Absent-Minded 4 11 22 27 29 30 31
St. C 1 Adventurer 1 5 6 7
St. 2 Aloof 1 7 12 14 15


Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. 3 Bad Temper 3 9 17 21 22 23
St 3 Braggart 3 9 17 21 22 23
St 3 Bully 3 9 17 21 22 23


Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St 3 Charitable 3 9 17 21 22 23
St. 4 Confused 4 11 22 27 29 30 31
St. 4 Curious 4 11 22 27 29 30 31


Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. F 4 Deferential 6 13 23 27 29 30 31
St. 4 Depressed 4 11 22 27 29 30 31
St. 2 Dignified 1 7 12 14 15
St 3 Distrustful 3 9 17 21 22 23

Deferential means that the character is always respectful and disobedient of his betters (in terms of status or age). It is a very common attitude in people of pre-modern mind, but note that anything more than 2d can be very problematic for adventurer characters. See also Respectful.

E and F

Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. F 5 Enigmaphilia 7 15 28 34 37 39
St. 5 Fond of Drink 5 13 27 34 37 39


Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. C 2 Gambler 1 7 11 12 13
St 3 Glutton 3 9 17 21 22 23
St. 3 Greed 3 9 17 21 22 23
St. 4 Glory-Seeker 4 11 22 27 29 30 31


Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. 3 Impatient 3 9 17 21 22 23
St. 3 Impulsive 3 9 17 21 22 23


Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. 3 Killer 3 9 17 21 22 23
St. C 3 Kleptomania 3 9 15 20 21


Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. 4 Liar 4 11 22 27 29 30 31
St. 4 Loner 4 11 22 27 29 30 31


Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. 3 Merciless 3 9 17 21 22 23
St. 3 Mood Swings 3 9 17 21 22 23
St. 5 MPOW (C or I) 3 9 17 21 22 23 Must Prove Own Worth
(see below)
St. 6.5 MPOW (C and I) 7 18 41 51 57 59 60 61


Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. C 4 Omen-Seeker 4 11 22 27 29 30 31
St. 3 On the Edge 3 9 17 21 22 23
St. 4 Overconfidence 4 11 22 27 29 30 31

Omen-Seeker means that the character is constantly on the lookout for signs and portents, random events that can be interpreted as meaningful indicators that good or (especially!) bad luck lies ahead, or which tells him what strategic course to follow. It is essentially a specific kind of superstition which was very common in pre-scientific times.


Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. 3 Paranoid 3 9 17 21 22 23
St. F 4 Pride 6 13 23 27 29 30 31 for characters built on over 70 GP
St. 4 Pride 4 11 22 27 29 30 31 for characters built on 70 GP or less
St. C 3 Pyromania 3 9 16 19 20


Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. 4 Shyness 4 11 22 27 29 30 31
St. 4 Sociable 4 11 22 27 29 30 31
St. 3 Soft-Hearted 3 9 17 21 22 23
St. 3 Staid 3 9 17 21 22 23


Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St 4 Thirst for Knowledge 4 11 22 27 29 30 31
St 3 Thrill-Seeker 3 9 17 21 22 23
St C 3 Trademark 3 9 17 19 20
St 3 Trickster 3 9 17 21 22 23

V and W

Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St 3 Vengeful 3 9 17 21 22 23
St 3 Wise-Cracking 3 9 17 21 22 23

Special Flaws


Sev. Tags Multi-Flaw 2d 2d+ 3d 3d+ 4d Possible Edges
(which are then also Flaws that the Multi-Flaw is similar to, or overlaps with)
10 F Comfort-Seeker 12 16 19 20 21
13 Immature 13 20 26 29 30
11 C Multi-Phobia 11 16 19 20
11 Party Animal 11 16 21 23 24
11 PTSD 11 16 21 23 24

Table with reference values:

Sev. Multi-Flaw 2d 2d+ 3d 3d+ 4d Possible Edges
(which are then also Flaws that the Multi-Flaw is similar to, or overlaps with)
10 Extr. N. 10 14 18 20 21 stuff
11 V. Narrow 11 16 21 23 24 stuff
12 Narrow 12 18 23 26 27 stuff
13 Normal 13 20 26 29 30 stuff
14 Broad 14 22 28 32 33 stuff
15 V. Broad 15 24 31 35 37 stuff
16 Extr. Br. 16 26 34 39 41 stuff

Complex Flaws

Element Flaws


Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St 2 Religious (1 Element) 1 7 12 14 15
St 2.5 Religious (2 Elements) 2 8 14 17 18 19
St 3 Religious (3 Elements) 3 9 17 21 22 23
St 3.5 Religious (4-5 Elements) 3 10 20 24 26 27
St 4 Religious (6-7 Elements) 4 11 22 27 29 30 31
St 4.5 Religious (8-10 Elements) 4 12 25 30 33 34 35
St 5 Religious (11-13 Elements) 5 13 27 34 37 39
St 5.5 Religious (14-16 Elements) 5 14 30 38 42 43 44
St 6 Religious (17+ Elements) 6 16 35 44 49 51 52
Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes

Elements of Religous Flaw

Letter Meaning Explanation
A Ascetic
D Diet You adhere to dietary restrictions (i.e. on food and drink), some or all of the time, based on your religious faith, e.g. the mild constant dietary restrictions of a Christian plus the occasional "fasting" period, or the constant dietary restrictions of a Moslem is one R Element, while the many dietary laws of Judaism constitutes two or three R Elements depending on how important it os for the character.
M Missionary You are compelled by your faith to spread the word, either trying to recruit othes to your specific faith (conversion), or else to demonstratively assert the superiority of your faith over that of other faiths ("my gods are stronger than your gods!"). Which one it is depends mostly on what kind of religion your religion is. Abrahamic religions tend to preach and do missionary works. Indo-European paganism does not.
O Obedience You defer to, respect, and obey your religious superiors. Note that a character who is a priest or high priest himself must still respect higher-ranking clergy, although it makes little sense for a very high-ranked clergyperson to have the O Element tripled.
P Purity
R Ritual
U UnWorldliness

Elements to be defined later.

Note that one or more Elements may be doubled (e.g. AA or RR) or even tripled (e.g. PPP or UUU). DDDRRR thus counts as six elements, 3xD and 3xR.


Deferential makes the character inclined to defer to those who are of higher social status than he, or who are older (based on the common pre-modern assumption that the elderly must be respected). Respectful instead makes the character defer to people based on other criteria.

Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St F 3 Respectful (C - the strong and Combat-competent) 5 10 17 21 22 23
St F 3 Respectful (F - adult Females) 5 10 17 21 22 23
St F 3 Respectful (H - people who are Holy) 5 10 17 21 22 23
St F 3 Respectful (I - the Wise and Intelligent) 5 10 17 21 22 23
St F 3 Respectful (M - adult Men) 5 10 17 21 22 23
St F 3 Respectful (R - senior Relatives) 5 10 17 21 22 23
St F 3 Respectful (W - those of Wealth) 5 10 17 21 22 23
St F 3 Respectful (Z - those that seem craZy) 5 10 17 21 22 23
St F 3.5 Respectful (2 of CFHIMRWZ) 6 12 20 24 26 27
St F 4 Respectful (3 of CFHIMRWZ) 7 13 22 27 29 30 31
St F 4.5 Respectful (4 or 5 of CFHIMRWZ) 7 14 25 30 33 34 35
St F 5 Respectful (6 or more of CFHIMRWZ) 8 16 27 34 37 39
Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes

It is possible to have both Deferential and Respectful, but they often synergize. Like Deferential, Respectful is a Favoured Flaw.

A male character who is Respectful towards Men must eithe see himself as not-yet-mature, or see himself as not-quite-a-man in some other regard, e.g. being a eunuch, a homosexual, or a celibate (for religious reasons or other reasons) or otherwise non-reproducing. Same goes for a female character who is Respectful towards Females. It is possible for such a character to be Respectful towards both sexes.


Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St 3.5 Honesty (Lie) 3 10 20 24 26 27
St 2 Honesty (Steal) 1 7 12 14 15
St 3.5 Honesty (Deceive) 3 10 20 24 26 27
St 5 Honesty (L&S) 5 13 27 34 37 39
St 6 Honesty (L&D) 6 16 35 44 49 51 52
St 5 Honesty (S&D) 5 13 27 34 37 39
St 7.5 Honesty (LSD) 9 23 54 70 78 81 82 83

A character with Honesty (LSD) 3d or stronger is usually referred to, by GMs and players, as a "Paladin on LSD".

Note: Each Element, Lie and Steal and Deceive, must be carefully explained and defined.


An Animosity is a serious dislike for a particular group or classification of people (or sometimes non-people, e.g. Dragons) that can be frequently or rarely encountered withint the setting, and with the dislike manifesting in one or several out of five ways, defined by the mnemonic CHIPS:

Animosity Elements

Letter Meaning Explanation
C underestimates Combat/Courage The character is inclined to assume that members of the group are feeble in combat, and that the do not constituce a tactical threat; that they are physically and martially weak.
H Hates The character hates members of the group, and will strike out opportunistically when he gets the chance to inflict harm on them.
I underestimates Intellect The character is inclined to assume that members of the group are intellectiually feeble, and that they do not constitute a strategic threa; that they are stupid and highly unlikely to understand complex problems and tricks.
P insults/Provokes The character has a tendency to verbally lash out at the group, mostly when members are present but also when they are not, in either case expressing unfavourable opinions of them (possibly the nature of those opinions are influenced by other Elements that the character's Animosity may contain, but the opinions are always negative and insulting).
S Suspects (paranoia) The character has a tendency to suspect the group as a whole, or gatherings of members of the group, or individual specimens, to be conspiring either against the character directly or against the group or groups that he belongs to, with the purpose of overthrowing his way of life. The character's attitude is paranoid, and at high Roll Strengths he can come across (to those who do not share this specific flavour of Animosity towards the group) as a mad conspiracy theorist.

Huge Group

Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St. 2.5 Animosity (underestimates Combat/Courage): H.g 2 8 14 17 18 19
St. 3 Animosity (Hates): H.g 3 9 17 21 22 23
St. 2.5 Animosity (underestimates Intellect/strategy): H.g 2 8 14 17 18 19
St. 2.5 Animosity (Provokes/insults): H.g 2 8 14 17 18 19
St. 2 Animosity (Suspects/paranoia): H.g 1 7 12 14 15

Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St. 3.5 Animosity (Suspects and one of CIP): H.g 3 10 20 24 26 27
St. 4 Animosity (Suspects and Hates): H.g 4 11 22 27 29 30 31
St. 4 Animosity (two of CIP): H.g 4 11 22 27 29 30 31
St. 4.5 Animosity (Hates and one of CIP): H.g 4 12 25 30 33 34 35

Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St. 5 Animosity (Suspects and two of CHIP): H.g 5 13 27 34 37 39
St. 5.5 Animosity (three of CHIP): H.g 5 14 30 38 42 43 44
St. 6 Animosity (Suspects and three of CHIP): H.g 6 16 35 44 49 51 52
St. 6.5 Animosity (four of CHIP): H.g 7 18 41 51 57 59 60 61
St. 7.5 Animosity (all of CHIPS): H.g 9 23 54 70 78 81 82 83

Large group

Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St. 2 Animosity (underestimates Combat/Courage): L.g 1 7 12 14 15
St. 2.5 Animosity (Hates): L.g 2 8 14 17 18 19
St. 2 Animosity (underestimates Intellect/strategy): L.g 1 7 12 14 15
St. 2 Animosity (Provokes/insults): L.g 1 7 12 14 15
St. 1.5 Animosity (Suspects/paranoia): L.g 1 6 9 11 12

Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St. 3 Animosity (Suspects and one of CIP): L.g 3 9 17 21 22 23
St. 3.5 Animosity (Suspects and Hates): L.g 3 10 20 24 26 27
St. 3.5 Animosity (two of CIP): L.g 3 10 20 24 26 27
St. 4 Animosity (Hates and one of CIP): L.g 4 11 22 27 29 30 31

Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St. 4.5 Animosity (Suspects and two of CHIP): L.g 4 12 25 30 33 34 35
St. 5 Animosity (three of CHIP): L.g 5 13 27 34 37 39
St. 5.5 Animosity (Suspects and three of CHIP): L.g 5 14 30 38 42 43 44
St. 6 Animosity (four of CHIP): L.g 6 16 35 44 49 51 52
St. 6.5 Animosity (all of CHIPS): L.g 7 18 41 51 57 59 60 61

Medium group

Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St. 1 Animosity (underestimates Combat/Courage): M.g 1 5 7 8 9
St. 1.5 Animosity (Hates): M.g 1 6 9 11 12
St. 1 Animosity (underestimates Intellect/strategy): M.g 1 5 7 8 9
St. 1 Animosity (Provokes/insults): M.g 1 5 7 8 9
St. 0.5 Animosity (Suspects/paranoia): M.g 4 5 6

Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St. 2 Animosity (Suspects and one of CIP): M.g 1 7 12 14 15
St. 2.5 Animosity (Suspects and Hates): M.g 2 8 14 17 18 19
St. 2.5 Animosity (two of CIP): M.g 2 8 14 17 18 19
St. 3 Animosity (Hates and one of CIP): M.g 3 9 17 21 22 23

Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St. 3.5 Animosity (Suspects and two of CHIP): M.g 3 10 20 24 26 27
St. 4 Animosity (three of CHIP): M.g 4 11 22 27 29 30 31
St. 4.5 Animosity (Suspects and three of CHIP): M.g 4 12 25 30 33 34 35
St. 5 Animosity (four of CHIP): M.g 5 13 27 34 37 39
St. 5.5 Animosity (all of CHIPS): M.g 5 14 30 38 42 43 44

Small group

Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St. 0 Animosity (underestimates Combat/Courage): Sm.g 3 4
St. 0.5 Animosity (Hates): Sm.g 4 5 6
St. 0 Animosity (underestimates Intellect/strategy): Sm.g 3 4
St. 0 Animosity (Provokes/insults): Sm.g 3 4
St. -0.5 Animosity (Suspects/paranoia): Sm.g 2 3

Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St. 1 Animosity (Suspects and one of CIP): Sm.g 1 5 7 8 9
St. 1.5 Animosity (Suspects and Hates): Sm.g 1 6 9 11 12
St. 1.5 Animosity (two of CIP): Sm.g 1 6 9 11 12
St. 2 Animosity (Hates and one of CIP): Sm.g 1 7 12 14 15

Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St. 2.5 Animosity (Suspects and two of CHIP): Sm.g 2 8 14 17 18 19
St. 3 Animosity (three of CHIP): Sm.g 3 9 17 21 22 23
St. 3.5 Animosity (Suspects and three of CHIP): Sm.g 3 10 20 24 26 27
St. 4 Animosity (four of CHIP): Sm.g 4 11 22 27 29 30 31
St. 4.5 Animosity (all of CHIPS): Sm.g 4 12 25 30 33 34 35

Tiny group

Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St. Animosity (underestimates Combat/Courage): Ti.g
St. -0.5 Animosity (Hates): Ti.g 2 3
St. Animosity (underestimates Intellect/strategy): Ti.g
St. Animosity (Provokes/insults): Ti.g
St. Animosity (Suspects/paranoia): Ti.g

Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St. 0.5 Animosity (Suspects and one of CIP): Ti.g 4 5 6
St. 1 Animosity (Suspects and Hates): Ti.g 1 5 7 8 9
St. 1 Animosity (two of CIP): Ti.g 1 5 7 8 9
St. 1.5 Animosity (Hates and one of CIP): Ti.g 1 6 9 11 12

Type Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d
St. 2 Animosity (Suspects and two of CHIP): Ti.g 1 7 12 14 15
St. 2.5 Animosity (three of CHIP): Ti.g 2 8 14 17 18 19
St. 3 Animosity (Suspects and three of CHIP): Ti.g 3 9 17 21 22 23
St. 3.5 Animosity (four of CHIP): Ti.g 3 10 20 24 26 27
St. 3.5 Animosity (all of CHIPS): Ti.g 3 10 20 24 26 27

Ärth example Animosities

This subsection shows some specific Animosities for use in the Ärth historical fantasy setting:

Christian Chauvanism or Islamic Chauvanism (vs non-Christians/non-Moslems respectively)
Abrahamic Chauvanism (vs pagans, anyone who isn't Christian, Moslem or Jew)

Type Sev. Flaw Elem. Gr.Siz. 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. 3.5 Anti-Semitism (Animosity) CHPS Small 3 10 20 24 26 27 Christian lands, and African Caliphate
St. 3 Anti-Semitism (Animosity) CHPS Tiny 3 9 17 21 22 23 Version for use in pagan lands
St. 4.5 Anti-Semitism (Animosity) CHPS Medium 4 12 25 30 33 34 35 Iberian or Arabic Caliphate

Anti-Semitism is vs Jews which are ausually Small group, usually CHPS (there's no tendency to assume that Jews are intellectually inferior), but in pagan lands they're Tiny and in some Islamic lands (the Iberian Caliphate and Arabic Caliphate) they're a Medium-sized group.

Christian (or Islamic) Intolerance is vs a Large group and usually involves the Elements of I, P and S. (variant without P Element)

Type Sev. Flaw Elem. Gr.Siz. 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. 3.5 Christian Intolerance (Animosity) IPS Large 3 10 20 24 26 27 Typical version of this Animosity
St. 2 Christian Intolerance (Animosity) IS Large 1 7 12 14 15 Version without the P (Provokes/Insults) Element

Type Sev. Flaw Elem. Gr.Siz. 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. 3.5 Islamic Intolerance (Animosity) IPS Large 3 10 20 24 26 27 Typical version of this Animosity
St. 2 Islamic Intolerance (Animosity) IS Large 1 7 12 14 15 Version without the P (Provokes/Insults) Element
St. 2 Islamic Intolerance (Animosity) IPS Tiny 1 7 12 14 15 Version that tolerates religions with a written scripture
St. 0.5 Islamic Intolerance (Animosity) IS Tiny 4 5 6 As above, but without the P Element

See also Abrahamic Intolerance, which is a common form of Intolerance among Moslems.

Type Sev. Flaw Elem. Gr.Siz. 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. 2.5 Abrahamic Intolerance (Animosity) IPS Small 2 8 14 17 18 19 Typical version of this Animosity
St. 1 Abrahamic Intolerance (Animosity) IS Small 1 5 7 8 9 Version without the P (Provokes/Insults) Element

Islamic Intolerance is sometimes vs a Tiny group, if the character in question subscribes to the belief that any scriptured religion is acceptable, including Hinduism and Zoroastrism, rather than only those that are based on a quranic prophet (which limits it to Christianity and Judaism, and a few obscure memetic relatives such as Mandaeism).

Abrahamic Intolerance is similar to the above, but is vs a Small group. (again, add a variant without the P Element). This is the same as the less mild form of the Ahl al-Kitab principle of Islam.

Type Sev. Flaw Elements Gr.Siz. 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. 3.5 Jewish Intolerance (Animosity) IS Huge 3 10 20 24 26 27 Typical Jewish-specific version
St. 5 Jewish Intolerance (Animosity) IPS Huge 5 13 27 34 37 39 As above but with a P Element added

Note that Abrahamic Intolerance is somewhat more common among Jews, in 10th century Ärth, than Jewish Intolerance.

Jewish Intolerance is vs a Huge group (almost nobody is Jewish!) and tends to be IS, although sometimes there's an added P Element. It's rare in general, but the Ärth character Solomon ben Melchior is one example (and he most definitely has the IPS version!). Most Jews instead exhibit Abrahamic Intolerance.

Type Sev. Flaw Elements Gr.Siz. 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. 2.5 Misogyny (Animosity) CI Medium 2 8 14 17 18 19 use in Christian and Moslem lands
St. 4 Misogyny (Animosity) CIP Medium 4 11 22 27 29 30 31 as above, but added P Element
St. 4 Misogyny (Animosity) CI Huge 4 11 22 27 29 30 31 Use in Keltic lands
St. 5.5 Misogyny (Animosity) CIP Huge 5 14 30 38 42 43 44 as above, but added P Element
St. 3.5 Misogyny (Animosity) CI Large 3 10 20 24 26 27 Use in non-Keltic pagan lands
St. 5 Misogyny (Animosity) CIP Large 5 13 27 34 37 39 as above, but added P Element

Misogyny is vs a Medium group in general, because in most places women have very little influence, (but add a variant for Large and for Huge group if the character is from a pagan background or has lived most of his life in a pagan area). Elements are CI, with a variant for +P (for a total of 5 variant permutations)

Type Sev. Flaw Elements Gr.Siz. 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St. 3 Homophobia (Animosity) CHP Small 3 9 17 21 22 23 vs active (and suspected) male "bottoms"
St. 4 Homophobia (Animosity) CHP Medium 4 11 22 27 29 30 31 Wider version, vs all men that fail to live up to heteronormative standards of masculinity
St. 2.5 Homophobia (Animosity) CP Medium 2 8 14 17 18 19 The wider version, but without the H Element

Homophobia tends to involve Elements of C (regarding gay men as being severely deficient in masculinity) and H (hatred - duh!) and P (creating an unpleasant verbal atmosphere), and is either vs a Small group if it is only against men who are openly homosexual (and usually only passive homosxuals - active penetrators are in this case not hated), or a Medium group if the Animosity is more wide-ranging and is against all men who fail to live up to heteronormative ideals of masculinity and manliness.

Tables to come late (until then, just reference the correct rows in the tables in the previous subsections).


Religious magic items and Flaws

Some preliminary ideas for favour/disfavour:

B to D

Bad Temper and Bully
disfav Divine
fav Satanic

disfav Divine
fav Pagan and Satanic

fav Divine and Pagan
disfav Satanic

fav Satanic

fav Divine
disfav Satanic

fav Satanic

E to G

fav Satanic

Fond of Drink
fav Pagan and Satanic
disfav Divine

fav Satanic
disfav Divine

fav Pagan and Satanic'
disfav Divine

Glutton and Greed
disfav Divine
fav Satanic

I to M

Impatient and Impulsive
disfav Divine
fav Satanic

disfav Divine
fav Pagan and satanic

Kleptomania and Liar and Loner
disfav Divine and Pagan
fav Satanic

Merciless and On the Edge
fav Pagan and Satanic
disfav Divine

O to P

fav Pagan and Satanic
disfav Divine

fav Satanic
disfav Divine

fav Satanic
disfav Divine

fav Pagan and Satanic
disfav Divine

fav Satanic
disfav Divine

R to S

fav Satanic
disfav Pagan and Divine

fav Pagan and Divine
disfav Satanic

fav Divine
disfav Satanic

T to V

Thirst for Knowledge
fav Satanic

fav Pagan and Satanic
disfav Divine

fav Satanic
disfav Divine

fav Satanic and Pagan
disfav Divine


fav Satanic
disfav Pagan

fav Satanic
disfav Divine

Phobia and Multi-Phobia
disfav Divine

Party Animal
fav Pagan and Satanic
disfav Divine

fav Satanic
disfav Divine

Element Flaws

fav Divine and Pagan
disfav Satanic

disfav Divine
fav Satanic

Religion Flaw
fav Divine
disfav Satanic

fav Divine
disfav Satanic

Mandatory Flaws

Sexual Orientation Flaw
fav Pagan and Satanic'
disfav Divine

New Flaw costs

Standard progression Flaws

Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St -0.5 The name of the Flaw 2 3
St 0 f 3 4
St 0.5 f 4 5 6
St 1 f 1 5 7 8 9
St 1.5 f 1 6 9 11 12
St 2 f 1 7 12 14 15
St 2.5 f 2 8 14 17 18 19
St 3 f 3 9 17 21 22 23
St 3.5 f 3 10 20 24 26 27
St 4 f 4 11 22 27 29 30 31
St 4.5 f 4 12 25 30 33 34 35
St 5 f 5 13 27 34 37 39
St 5.5 f 5 14 30 38 42 43 44
St 6 f 6 16 35 44 49 51 52
St 6.5 f 7 18 41 51 57 59 60 61
St 7 f 8 20 46 59 66 68 69 70
St 7.5 f 9 23 54 70 78 81 82 83
St 8 f 10 26 62 81 91 94 96 97
Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes

Simple table with integer values only

Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St 1 f 1 5 7 8 9
St 2 f 1 7 12 14 15
St 3 f 3 9 17 21 22 23
St 4 f 4 11 22 27 29 30 31
St 5 f 5 13 27 34 37 39
St 6 f 6 16 35 44 49 51 52
St 7 f 8 20 46 59 66 68 69 70
St 8 f 10 26 62 81 91 94 96 97

Coarsegrained table with odd integer values only

Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
St 1 f 1 5 7 8 9
St 3 f 3 9 17 21 22 23
St 5 f 5 13 27 34 37 39
St 7 f 8 20 46 59 66 68 69 70

(Note the above are baseline costs, certain Flaws may get some or all roll FP costs modified for some or all Roll Strength values, due to being Favoured Flaws or being Cliche Flaws.)

Structure table (no content)

Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes
Type Tag Sev. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Notes

Multi-Flaw Reference

Sev. Multi-Flaw 2d 2d+ 3d 3d+ 4d Possible Edges
(which are then also Flaws that the Multi-Flaw is similar to, or overlaps with)
10 Extr. N. 10 14 18 20 21 stuff
11 V. Narrow 11 16 21 23 24 stuff
12 Narrow 12 18 23 26 27 stuff
13 Normal 13 20 26 29 30 stuff
14 Broad 14 22 28 32 33 stuff
15 V. Broad 15 24 31 35 37 stuff
16 Extr. Br. 16 26 34 39 41 stuff

Table structures to use

Type Classif. Notes Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Similar to or overlaps with
St x Extr. Narrow Flaw 0 0 0 1 2 4 7 11 similar
St x Very Narrow Flaw 0 1 2 3 5 8 14 20 similar
St x Narrow Flaw 1 2 3 5 10 16 20 similar
St x Typical Flaw 1 3 5 8 13 18 similar
St x Broad Flaw 2 5 8 12 17 similar
St x Very Broad Flaw 2 6 11 14 similar
St x Extr. Broad Flaw 3 8 12 similar
Type Classif. Flaw 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d Similar to or overlaps with

Below are the generic costs for Multi-Flaws. Again, actual costs may very, due to the Multi-Flaw bein favoured, being Cliche, or for another (usually stated) reason.

Type Classif. Flaw 2d 2d+ 3d 3d+ 4d 4d+ Possible Edges
(which are then also Flaws that the M.F. is similar to or overlaps with)
Mul x Broad 4 6 9 13 19 23 stuff
Mul x Very Broad 5 8 12 17 20 stuff
Mul x Extr. Broad 6 10 16 19 stuff
Type Classif. Flaw 2d 2d+ 3d 3d+ 4d 4d+ Possible Edges
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