Temp Well Travelled

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"If I take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been."
- Samwise Gamgee, Peter Jackson's The Fellowship of the Ring.

Temporary notes artile for the Well-Travelled character creation trait

Base Extent is derived from Tech Level (TeL)

Tech Level TeL Base Extent ExC
NoTech to Medieval 0 to 13 Village or Dispersed Community 0
Renaissance to Mid Steam 14 to 18 Town or Parish 1
Victorian 19 to 20 County or City 2
Radio Age 21 to 24 Region or Megapolis 3
Sattelite TV Age 25 to 28 Small Nation 4
Everyone has Internet 29 and up Medium Nation 5

This table shows the Extent shift-down based on GPs spent.

0 +0
1 +2
2 +3
3 +4
4 +5
6 +6
8 +7
10 +8
13 +9
16 +10
19 +11
23 +12
27 +13
31 +14
36 +15
41 +16
46 +17

GP \ Period up to Medieval Renaissance Victorian Radio Age Sattelite TV Everyone has Internet
0 GP Village or Dispersed Community Parish or Town County or City Region or Megapolis Small Nation Medium Nation
1 GP County or City Region or Megapolis Small Nation Medium Nation Large Nation Continent
2 GP Region or Megapolis Small Nation Medium Nation Large Nation Continent Planet
3 GP Small Nation Medium Nation Large Nation Continent Planet
4 GP Medium Nation Large Nation Continent Planet
6 GP Large Nation Continent Planet
8 GP Continent Planet
10 GP Planet

Well-Travelled limits Reputations, Popularities, Contacts (although not Correspondance type Contacts, which cost more and have less Loyalty), and the Area Knowledge Skills. It does not limit Languages nor the Current Affairs Skills, and Well-Travelled allows the characer to use Omniskill instead of Area Knowledge and Current Affairs (although with the built-in RD penalty of Omniskill, it's still desirable to purchase proper AK and CA Skills!).

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