Major Changes
From Sagataflwiki
Revision as of 11:56, 6 March 2012 by Peter Knutsen (Talk | contribs)
The purpose of this article is to list only major and important changes. Sagatafl has been in development for quite a number of years, and some people may not have kept up with even very significant changes.
The order is somewhat arbitrary, neither based on absolute importance nor on chronology.
- Name changed from "FFRE" to "Sagatafl - the Free Fudge-light Roleplaying Engine"
- Roll mechanic changed from using ten-sided dice to using twelve-sided ones. The Fumble scale expanded so that the worst possible Fumble is F-6 Disastrous Fumble, instead of F-5 previously. The worst several types of Fumbles got new formal names. All Roll Difficulties incrased by 2 (since a ten-sider generates results in the 0 to 9 range, and a twelve-sider generates results in the 1-12 range).
- Life Force renamed to Essence, to avoid misleading people into assuming that characters are hurting themselves when they spend Essence to render magic permanent.
- The combat system switched from using Blows to using a more fluid and flexible Action Point system.
- Flaws introduced as a whole new mechanic, similar to "mental disads" or "psychological limitations" in other RPG systems.
- Attribute Points and aDvantage Points changed to no longer be separate pools. Unified into aDvantage Points, DP, which are used to purchase all intrinsic/biological traits, both Attribute, Sub-Attributes and Advantages. In this way at character creation, the Goodie Points are distributed between three categories, Advantages (DP), Skills (SP) and Perks (PP) instead of four (AP, DP, SP and PP).
- A new 4th Goodie Point category was added, Special GP, for buying special traits that don't fit into the Advantage/Perk framework. Eventually most of these Special traits were renamed into Backgrounds (but are still bought with GP) and only the remainder traits (such as Luck) are still called Special Traits. The category as a whole may be called the Special/Background or S/B Category, or just the Special Category.
- The unit of monetary account changed from d to f, from penny to farthing. 1d equals 4f. This is to remove the need for decimals.
- Some Attributes demoted to Secondary Attributes: Strength and Hardiness, and also Size which will be renamed to Frame, with a new Size value denoting gross size (3 is human-sized, 2 is large child, 5 is a horse, and so forth). Two new Secondary Attributes added: Vocal Control, Face Control. An explicit ruling that Primary Attributes cannot be trained, and that Secondary Attributes work differently from each other (some can be trained, some can't, they're bought at different prices).
- As a necessary consequence of the above, Strength can no longer feature in Skill Aptitude Blocks (APT Blocks).
- The Intelligence (Thinking Speed) Sub-Attribute can not feature in APT Blocks.
- Professions introduced, including the OmniSkill (and there was much rejoicing?) and the Profstat Secondary Attribute.
- The system of supernatural Alignments changed and unified so that there are only three Alignments: Divine, Pagan and Satanic. This list can obviously be modified or enlarged to fit specific worlds, but ought to work surprisingly well without modifications in most fantasy worlds.
- The Martial Arts training system changed, replacing "enhancers", which give a multiplier to the skill cost, with Stunts