Temp Genius Traits

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This article is a repository for Genius Traits, with the traits eventually be meant to be moved out int one or more "proper" articles, and the explanatory text expanded and improved.

'DP Cost of Genius Levels (GL)'Bold text A character may have Genius Traits worth a number of Genius Levels equal to his Intelligence (the Parent Attribute - sub-Attribute values are disregarded). When creating a character with more GLs than Intelligence, an extra DP cost must be paid, beyond the separate per-item cost of the individual Genius Traits, according to this table:

0 0
1 2
2 5
3 15
4 40
5 100
6 250
7 600
8 1500
9 4000
10 10k
11 25k

(Note: Subtract base Intelligence from the GEnius Level total, then look up that figure.)

Below, some Genius Traits may have an AMP cost. This is ArchMage Points, explained in detail in the article on ArchMage Points, but basically they function as Genius Levels for Genius Traits, except that the threshold is always 3. Having traits with a AMP total of 4 or higher incurs an added DP cost, although not escalating quite as rapidly as for Genius Levels (exactly because the threshold is fixed).

Traits with GL costs represent an enhanced intellect, whereas traits with an AMP cost makes the character more supernaturally powerful. A few traits do both. Note that all Genius Traits (and all traits costing AMP) are inborn, they are genetic in nature and cannot under any circumstances be learned during play, or at any other point in time.

In most cases, there will be one or two versions of a Genius Trait. If there is one it will usually be designated a Medium trait, while if there are two one will be designatd Minor and the other Major. These designations indicate demographic rarity, and usually a Minor trait will be fairly cheap in terms of DP cost and cost 1 or at the most 2 GL, while a Major trait will be very expensive both in DP and GL, with Medium traits being in between.

In a few cases the Minor trait will have a cost of zero Genius Levels. This means that the trait itself is not regarded as a Genius Trait, but that there exist a more powerful version of the trait, the Major one, which does count as a Genius Trait (and has a GL cost as well as a DP cost).

DP Cost Traits that are "proper" Genius Traits do not hav a fixed cost. Instead the cost depends on the weighted average of certain Attributes or Sub-Attributes, which yields a Cost Factor (CF). This Cost Factor is then multiplied by a value. Both the CF derivation and the multiplier are particular to each Genius Traits. In most (probably all) cases the CF derivation will be the same for a Minor and a Major Trait, but the multiplier will be much higher for the Major Trait. The Cost Factor never affects the GL cost.

If a trait has a fixed cost, then there is no CF derivation. Everyone pays the same cst for that trait, in DP. In most (probably all) cases, fixed cost means that the Genius Trait serves to enhance a sub-function of an Attribute, similar to Iron Will and Will of Steel, and as such there is no need to use a Cost Factor, because characters who are more likely to be born with the trait will also benefit more from it.

The traits

Genius Trait Cost CF GL Notes
Minor Iron Will 5 DP When determining how many WillPower Points (WP) you start with, how many you can have, and how quickly they recharge, look up the figures as if your Will was 3 higher than it actually is (you must have Will 2 or higher to take this trait)
Medium Religious Fervour 10 DP When looking up your WillPower Points, add your Faith Attribute to your Will Attribute, and look up that total (you must have Will 3 and Faith 3 or higher to take this trait)
Major Will of Steel 40 DP 1 When looking up your WillPower Points, add 10 to your Faith Attribute before referencing the table (you must have Will 4 or higher to take this trait)

Genius Trait Cost CF GL Notes

Genius Trait Cost CF GL Notes

The Cost Factors

CF What to do Notes
Ip 1 part Interpersonal Intelligence If Ip appears more than once, take that many parts Interpersonal Intelligence, e.g. 4 parts for IpIpIpIp
Li 1 part Linguistic Intelligence If Li appears more than once, take that many parts of Linguistic Intelligence, e.g. 2 parts for LiLi
Me 1 part Mnemonic Intelligence
Mu 1 part Musical Intelligence
My 1 part Mystical Intelligence
Sp 1 part Spatial Intelligence
Ts 1 part Thinking Speed
Pe 1 part Perception
LiLiMe 2 parts Linguistic Intelligence, 1 part Mnemonic Intelligence
IpIpMe 2 parts Interpersonal Intelligence, 1 part Mnemonic Intelligence
MuMuMe 2 parts Musical Intelligence, 1 part

Total up the weightings, then divide by the number of weightings. For instance if the Cost Factor is LiLiMe, and the character has an Inteligence(Li) of 4 and an Intelligence(Me) of 3, the total is 4+4+3=11. There are 3 weightings, so divide by 3. 11/3=3.67. For now, round to two decimals.

Then look up the result in this table. Often you will not find the exactly value. In those cases, find the lower values that is closest, e.g. there is no 3.67 in the tables, so you use 3.5 (not 3.75!)

Value CF
6.00 6.00
6.50 5.75
7.00 5.5
7.50 5.25
8.00 5.00
8.50 4.75
9.00 4.50
Value CF
9.50 4.25
10.00 4.00
10.25 3.75
10.50 3.50
10.75 3.25
11.00 3.00
11.25 2.75
11.50 2.50
11.75 2.25
12.00 2.00
Value CF
-2.00 N/A
-1.00 20.00
0.00 15.00
1.00 12.00
2.00 10.50
3.00 9.00
3.75 8.00
4.50 7.00
5.25 6.50
Value CF
12.25 1.75
12.50 1.50
13.00 1.25
13.50 1.00
14.00 0.75
15.00 0.50
over 15 0.25

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