Talk:Creating a character
From Sagataflwiki
The re-direct
Character creation redirects to this article, but much later on, it migh be a good idea to have it lead to some sort of Character Creation "Portal" which points to various articles, including Creating a Character, but also to a variety of character creation recipes, articles for various character concepts, such as the old veteran adventurer, the nobleman adventurer, the courtesan, the spellcaster, the Lunar Power wielder, the thief or rogue, and so forth, each of which contains textual advice and links to particularly useful Attributes and sub-Attributes, Advantages and Perks, Skills and Lores, and also to DisAdvantages and negPerks that suit the character concept. --PeterKnutsen (the Designer) 20:40, 25 December 2010 (UTC)
The wrongness of 6.25
As far as I can see, claims of 6.25 and "six times" do not appear in this article, only in the Goodie Points article, but I still need to read the relevant sections of this article closely to make sure. (The correct figures are "5.6" and "over six", and the quadrupling figure is 32 for Skill Points and Perk Points, and 16 for aDvantage Points.) --Peter Knutsen (the Designer) 20:49, 25 December 2010 (UTC)